Health and Wellness

Approach to healthy weight loss: Part I

Successful and sustainable weight loss is more about the journey and less about destination, least keeping the deadlines. The key to achieve your goal of desired healthy weight is to go slow and steady.




First, when people lose weight rapidly, especially via fad/crash diets, they are unable to maintain it because the weight they lose is often more muscle mass and less fat, compared to people who lose weight gradually. 

Second, maintaining lean muscle mass is important in weight loss as it plays a key role in metabolism

In simple words, muscle helps burn more calories. So, losing weight too quickly means losing muscle mass, which ultimately slows down calorie burning. 

What is the safe rate then?

AS per CDC, a safe rate is losing around 1-2 pounds a week.

Bottom line: Shedding weight is not enough, but shedding it sensibly is the rule of thumb.

Following a particular

Diet/ program


Achieving healthy weight is not about following a particular program or diet, but a lifestyle that includes healthy eating patterns, regular physical activity and stress management. Even a little reduction in your weight can make big difference. Studies suggest, weight loss of even 5% to 10% of your total body weight is likely to produce considerable health benefits, such as; improvement in Blood pressure, Blood cholesterol & Blood sugar levels, to name a few. 



Before starting your journey to weight loss, it is important to approach the changes with self-compassion and self-motivation. Don’t hate yourself and don’t compare with others. Everyone is different in their own special way. No matter how small or big a change, but being constant makes all the difference. So, if you are ready to make the journey to healthy weight loss, you will eventually reach your destination.

Just Stay calm, Stay focussed.

Healthy is beautiful!